Dec 2015
Christmas Cumulatives
28/12/15 18:09 Filed in: UKAC
I was only able to get out on one day for the Christmas Contests and then only on 2m.
A bit of searching got me to the highest spot in Lincolnshire but that is still not all that high. There are mountains in the way for much of Wales.

Scores weren’t that great but there was a bit of DX

A bit of searching got me to the highest spot in Lincolnshire but that is still not all that high. There are mountains in the way for much of Wales.

Scores weren’t that great but there was a bit of DX

Scores on the Doors
21/12/15 08:09 Filed in: UKAC
The scores are in for the 2015 UKAC 2m and 70cms legs.
2M is the most popular of the UKAC contests and BBRC did well to come 29th overall out of 117 clubs. Our pals at Bracknel came 21st so there could be some synergy there in working together with them.
I have just got going properly on 2m now from Stokenchurch and managed 13th out of 157 for the last night of the year, which I am pretty pleased with. Not to say it can’t be improved upon when i get the 9 ele working properly.
The 70cms is very new to me and we don’t have many in the club entering on this band now that Chis has hung up his contesting boots. But with his fantastic scores earlier in the year we came 40th from 86 with only half of the contests entered. I managed 11th on the December one so there is a good chance that we can improve on the overall position next year. It’s a great band as the antennas can be compact and easily erected for the two and a half hour long evening entertainment. There is no reason that a foray out with a colinear would not reap decent results. We enter in the restricted category which is 50w max and a single antenna but there are 10W categories which seem to do just as well and in which we are not represented, if any M6 operators wanted to have a go.
So the overall results , that combine all the contests, are not out yet but we are sitting 31st club out of 132. Given that many of these “cubs” are contest groups with many more participants that is not bad at all.
The new year will be here soon with the first 2M on the 4th January so inspect those stockings to see if santa has brought you a 2m aerial that you need to try out.

2M is the most popular of the UKAC contests and BBRC did well to come 29th overall out of 117 clubs. Our pals at Bracknel came 21st so there could be some synergy there in working together with them.
I have just got going properly on 2m now from Stokenchurch and managed 13th out of 157 for the last night of the year, which I am pretty pleased with. Not to say it can’t be improved upon when i get the 9 ele working properly.
The 70cms is very new to me and we don’t have many in the club entering on this band now that Chis has hung up his contesting boots. But with his fantastic scores earlier in the year we came 40th from 86 with only half of the contests entered. I managed 11th on the December one so there is a good chance that we can improve on the overall position next year. It’s a great band as the antennas can be compact and easily erected for the two and a half hour long evening entertainment. There is no reason that a foray out with a colinear would not reap decent results. We enter in the restricted category which is 50w max and a single antenna but there are 10W categories which seem to do just as well and in which we are not represented, if any M6 operators wanted to have a go.
So the overall results , that combine all the contests, are not out yet but we are sitting 31st club out of 132. Given that many of these “cubs” are contest groups with many more participants that is not bad at all.
The new year will be here soon with the first 2M on the 4th January so inspect those stockings to see if santa has brought you a 2m aerial that you need to try out.

Hex Beam Two
20/12/15 19:07 Filed in: Antennae
As you will have read I have a SP7DEX hex beam for portable use. Today we got to see the UK’s version of the G3TXQ design made in Wales by MWOJZE.

Martin had mine up for a while and because mine took ages to come from Poland opted for the Welsh version (his being Welsh made the language barrier less of a problem). He also has opted for the fantastic Spid rotator.

The hex beam is vet similar to the SP7DEX version the main differences being the way that he fibreglass spreaders join. The SP7DEX push together and the MW0LZE are held in place with jubilee clips. Both work well but the former better for portable operation if you are putting up and taking down a lot.

The tension stings are similar. No hooks this time but up to the job

guides for the elements similar. you have to fiddle with the 20m ones but other than that an easy fit to get the wires through.

here is it wired up with the elements

rotator goes onto a removable stub on the composite mast

Here is it with the co-ax in place and all wrapped up with self almagamating tape on the 259 connector

Under the hex is the 70cms and then Martin’s home made 2m 9 element LFA

And it works first time call broke the pile up to a QSO to the US.

Martin had mine up for a while and because mine took ages to come from Poland opted for the Welsh version (his being Welsh made the language barrier less of a problem). He also has opted for the fantastic Spid rotator.

The hex beam is vet similar to the SP7DEX version the main differences being the way that he fibreglass spreaders join. The SP7DEX push together and the MW0LZE are held in place with jubilee clips. Both work well but the former better for portable operation if you are putting up and taking down a lot.

The tension stings are similar. No hooks this time but up to the job

guides for the elements similar. you have to fiddle with the 20m ones but other than that an easy fit to get the wires through.

here is it wired up with the elements

rotator goes onto a removable stub on the composite mast

Here is it with the co-ax in place and all wrapped up with self almagamating tape on the 259 connector

Under the hex is the 70cms and then Martin’s home made 2m 9 element LFA

And it works first time call broke the pile up to a QSO to the US.
6M and Christmas
The Club came 17th out of 86 on the 6m UKAC this year with a great effort from GØBBB with the club call G3WIR/A coming 12th out of 266 entrants on the Restricted section and that was with 3 sessions not scored. Well done. Scores were also posted by G8AJM, GØSKA,G8XCK and yours truly.
Christmas Cumulatives
Just to let you know that there will be a load of activity on VHF over Christmas with the Christmas Cumualatives Contest.
These are just for fun and run from 1400 to 1600 UTC on the 26th - 29th.
Bands are 50/70/144/432 Mhz. you can do it on all or just one.
Seeing as the weather might be warm it might be worth venturing out to see how far you can get. You don’t need a beam or high power, just a radio that works on Upper SSB and the will to have fun.
I wil be portable near Lincoln in IO93 not very high but the south should be workable. So if anyone is interested in going to my usual location on the Chilterns then let me know. You will certainly do better than I will from where I will be.
Here is a tip for finding a site to get away from the Christmas cheer. (I’m at the mother in laws hence the relief that there is a contest that I have to do). Take a look at a map on the computer that gives terrain and look for a road that takes you to a high point all around. Then go to street view and virtually drive the road to check for a good clear view all round. See if you can see anything that is a clue to it being a good location like masts. That is a sure sign that someone also thinks it is a good location for radio. Then find somewhere to virtually park. That way you don't spend ages faffing about on the day.
Aim to get there for a hour before hand to set up and test your gear. Everyone else will be doing that so it is a great time to have a chat with others in places you might not have got to before.
You don’t have to go out. I worked someone in Liverpool on the last one who had his beam set up in his bedroom, inside, pointing through the open window!
Here is the LINK to the RSGB site and if anyone needs any help or pointers then just shout.
The Club came 17th out of 86 on the 6m UKAC this year with a great effort from GØBBB with the club call G3WIR/A coming 12th out of 266 entrants on the Restricted section and that was with 3 sessions not scored. Well done. Scores were also posted by G8AJM, GØSKA,G8XCK and yours truly.
Christmas Cumulatives
Just to let you know that there will be a load of activity on VHF over Christmas with the Christmas Cumualatives Contest.
These are just for fun and run from 1400 to 1600 UTC on the 26th - 29th.
Bands are 50/70/144/432 Mhz. you can do it on all or just one.
Seeing as the weather might be warm it might be worth venturing out to see how far you can get. You don’t need a beam or high power, just a radio that works on Upper SSB and the will to have fun.
I wil be portable near Lincoln in IO93 not very high but the south should be workable. So if anyone is interested in going to my usual location on the Chilterns then let me know. You will certainly do better than I will from where I will be.
Here is a tip for finding a site to get away from the Christmas cheer. (I’m at the mother in laws hence the relief that there is a contest that I have to do). Take a look at a map on the computer that gives terrain and look for a road that takes you to a high point all around. Then go to street view and virtually drive the road to check for a good clear view all round. See if you can see anything that is a clue to it being a good location like masts. That is a sure sign that someone also thinks it is a good location for radio. Then find somewhere to virtually park. That way you don't spend ages faffing about on the day.
Aim to get there for a hour before hand to set up and test your gear. Everyone else will be doing that so it is a great time to have a chat with others in places you might not have got to before.
You don’t have to go out. I worked someone in Liverpool on the last one who had his beam set up in his bedroom, inside, pointing through the open window!
Here is the LINK to the RSGB site and if anyone needs any help or pointers then just shout.
SOTA Backpack
06/12/15 10:25 Filed in: Shack Stuff
I have been working on the backpack for the portable operations seeing as I was getting loads of individual bits to carry it made sense to get it all onto one pack to grab and go.
I brought, on the Commanders advice, a 5.11 tactical back pack and with Colin's old sewing machine have set about adding bits to carry all the gear. And boy there is a fair bit of it.
To be fair i won't be carrying it all up a mountain the idea is that one gets to base camp and then select what you are going to take for the trip.

Side bags for wire antennas and sandwiches

Two places for Sota Poles or longer antenna bits like the Buddipole rigid whip.

First section is the KX3 section with bags that are held in with velcro so you can rip them out easily. They are fixed to the pack so they stay in place when you walk and when you open the second section of the pack.

The KX3, PX3 and headset plus Piglet wireless node that allows you to connect an iPad to the KX3 to log and use PSK and CW

The radio section then opens up for the power section. Here we either have the KXPA100 and power supply or this can be substituted for battery packs for SOTA ops without the KX3 falling out.

The rip out mesh packs have the Sark meter and cables in.

I am going to try out the KXPA100 with battery power but I am not sure how long the LiPo will last but the good thing is that you can dial the power down to extend battery life.
Now we nee the weather to be able to try it all out.

I brought, on the Commanders advice, a 5.11 tactical back pack and with Colin's old sewing machine have set about adding bits to carry all the gear. And boy there is a fair bit of it.
To be fair i won't be carrying it all up a mountain the idea is that one gets to base camp and then select what you are going to take for the trip.

Side bags for wire antennas and sandwiches

Two places for Sota Poles or longer antenna bits like the Buddipole rigid whip.

First section is the KX3 section with bags that are held in with velcro so you can rip them out easily. They are fixed to the pack so they stay in place when you walk and when you open the second section of the pack.

The KX3, PX3 and headset plus Piglet wireless node that allows you to connect an iPad to the KX3 to log and use PSK and CW

The radio section then opens up for the power section. Here we either have the KXPA100 and power supply or this can be substituted for battery packs for SOTA ops without the KX3 falling out.

The rip out mesh packs have the Sark meter and cables in.

I am going to try out the KXPA100 with battery power but I am not sure how long the LiPo will last but the good thing is that you can dial the power down to extend battery life.
Now we nee the weather to be able to try it all out.
2M UKAC December
02/12/15 17:32
And what a way to finish up the year.
Conditions were brilliant and everyone did well with contacts as far as Spain (not me) and Aberdeen (me)

That red light is the top of the stokenchurch mast

Still not as many multipliers as many so I do need to sort out that 9 ele LFA and re build it so that it is actually resonant where it should be.
Conditions were brilliant and everyone did well with contacts as far as Spain (not me) and Aberdeen (me)

That red light is the top of the stokenchurch mast

Still not as many multipliers as many so I do need to sort out that 9 ele LFA and re build it so that it is actually resonant where it should be.